Eye Diseases

person having eyes examined

Intricate and complex, the eyes take in and process light and communicate information to the brain through electronic impulses. Several diseases and conditions - viral, bacterial, and genetic - affect the eyes and their ability to function properly. Any sign of unusual eye symptoms should prompt a visit with an eye care professional.


  • How the Eyes Work

    Every morning, we open our eyes and become immersed in a wealth of visual information. The eyes and related brain structures are a complex system that allows us to experience visual information from the surrounding world. It is easy to take clear vision for granted, but even subtle changes in the structure

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  • Protecting Your Eyes

    Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory draws heavily upon visual information, and many activities of daily living are challenging without sight. As a result, it is essential to protect your eyes from damage.

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