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Welcome to Cook Vision Therapy Center Inc.


Begin Your Journey to Restored Visual Performance Today

Our mission is to understand exactly how vision is affecting your life, so we can tailor the best in vision therapy to meet your unique challenges and goals.

Our founder, Dr. David Cook, is an internationally recognized clinician, author, and educator. He and Dr. Ekta Patel work closely together in our Marietta, GA practice to serve Metro Atlanta. They also specially design treatment options for patients traveling from across Georgia, the Southeast, and nation.

It is one thing to provide vision therapy. It is quite another to select the exact mix of procedures and approaches needed to change lives—not just temporarily but for the long-term.

At Cook Vision Therapy Center, we reduce homework frustration, headaches, and eyestrain. We improve reading, self-esteem, and 3D vision for night driving and sports. We train eye contact for social situations, align crossed eyes to improve appearance and eye-body coordination, and rehabilitate traumatic brain injuries to recreate productive lives.

Contact Us

Free phone consultation to see if our services are right for you or your child! Our staff will respond as soon as possible.

Our Services

Thirty years of experience providing thousands of patients from Atlanta and across the state of Georgia with the best in vision therapy!

Schedule Now

Reach out to our office team in Marietta, GA today to set up an appointment! 

Our Vision Therapy Services

Vision Therapy Evaluation

How are deficient visual abilities affecting comfort, cosmetic appearance, and performance for school, work, driving or sports.

Convergence Insufficiency

Headaches, eye-strain, blurred or double vision, loss of concentration during reading or computer work even though a routine eye exam has found that your eyes are normal or your glasses are correct.

Adult and Pediatric Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

Non-surgical approaches. Our goal is not only straight eyes but also improved 3D vision and eye-body coordination for school, work, sports, or driving.

Attention Deficits

If attention is better when using the ears for listening than when using the eyes for reading and writing, a vision problem may be masquerading as or exacerbating an attention deficit.


Do you or your bright child struggle with reading? Is an undiagnosed visual processing disorder magnifying problems with reading or dyslexia?

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Patching-free treatment for children and adults — improved acuity in a lazy eye AND improved 3D vision and performance when both eyes are open.

3D Vision for Sports and Driving

No more catching balls with the chest or avoiding night driving. During sports, keep your eyes on the ball. When driving, see the signs, road, and other cars for safety and peace of mind.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation for concussion and other forms of traumatic brain injury, especially when double vision or visually-related headaches persist despite previous rehabilitation programs.

Meet Our Doctors

Cook Vision Therapy in Marietta, GA

David L. Cook O.D., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D.

Clinician, author, international educator, Dr. David Cook, is one of the nation’s leading authorities on vision therapy, enjoying over forty years of experience as a clinician changing the lives of thousands of vision therapy patients.

Dr. Ekta Patel B.Optom, O.D.

Dr. Patel was raised and initially trained as an optometrist in Johannesburg, South Africa. She then attended New England College of Optometry, where she completed the four-year Doctor of Optometry degree in two years, graduating first in her class with highest honors.

Cook Vision Therapy in Marietta, GA

What People are Saying

38 reviews on
Kate Tran
Kate Tran
Doctor Cook is very professional and careful patient. The staff is friendly and kind.
Marla Szwast
Marla Szwast
Great vision therapy center. Go here if your child is having trouble reading, dyslexia, adhd, or headaches. While vision therapy is not a cure-all you may be surprised at how much it can help your child go from struggling/surviving to succeeding/thriving.
Stephanie Brewer
Stephanie Brewer
I was skeptical, but now I’m all in! We had a fabulous experience and his methods have transformed our family because our daughter can now understand the world she sees.
Angey Price
Angey Price
I can't say enough about how awesome Dr. Cook and his staff are! My son was struggling after several years of patching due to ambliopia (lazy eye) and strabismus. It wasn't working, and we were very frustrated. Someone suggested we look into vision therapy and check out Dr. Cook. Dr. Cook explained to us that his eyes needed to work together, and so patching wasn't the answer. Through vision therapy my son's eyes have improved incredibly! The ambliopia and strabismus were corrected. He now wears glasses that look normal and no more super thick lenses and no more patching!!! Dr. Cook and his staff are also super friendly. They are great with both kids and adults. I highly recommend!
Amanda Blackburn
Amanda Blackburn
Dr Cook was so helpful and knowledgeable about how to help my vision correct as my eyes changed. His staff was phenomenal. I’d recommend anyone consider these services.
Elizabeth Christensen
Elizabeth Christensen
We had a positive experience with Dr. Cook and his staff. They were kind, patient, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend their services. Thank you Dr. Cook and team!
Brandy Beal
Brandy Beal
We have had a great experience with Dr. cook and staff. My daughter has improved her vision tremendously. Her school work and focus has also increased.
Lisa Chaffman
Lisa Chaffman
Who knew how one small piece of knowledge could affect your life. I had cataract surgery with prescription lens put in. It ruined my vision and caused me all kinds of problems. Dr Cook figured out that I had always had a lazy eye. It was not bad enough for anyone to catch it. The lens implants made it so much worst. Dr Cook and his staff worked with me and my eyes and they are working together again. Forever grateful for Dr Cook and his staff.
Tiffany Reed
Tiffany Reed
I can't say enough good things about Dr. Cook and his staff! My daughter went from hating reading to loving it. I knew she was smart, but reading was always a struggle. I thought it was dyslexia, but her difficulties didn't quite fit with that diagnosis. Dr. Cook immediately diagnosed a vision problem and treated it. Within a few months, she no longer struggled with reading, and reading has become one of her favorite hobbies!
Celina Beaver
Celina Beaver
My kiddo's reading and writing improved tremendously over her time at Cook Vision Therapy. The writing samples still AMAZE me, it's like two completely different children! I'm so thankful for Dr Cook, his incredible knowledge, and his awesome staff. Ms Janice might be one of my all time favorite humans, I miss seeing her weekly.

Check Out Our Resources

Dr. Cook’s Publications:

  • Published articles in top optometric journals.
  • His article “Eyesight, infinity and the human heart” was voted “Best Non-Technical Article” by the Association of Optometric Editors.

When Your Child Struggles

Visual Fitness

The Shape of the Sky

Frequently Asked Questions